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Council For Fair Lending Site Hosted Here Temporarily -- Permanent CFL Site Under Construction



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 October 5, 2007


Please Read Carefully

In a moment you will be connected to the section where you enter information about your stores.  Here are a few tips to make sure it goes the way you want it to go:

1. Have your completed store list and member information in front of you before you begin.  This is what you will need for your store list.  You will need this for your member information.  Be sure your information is correct and accurate.  It will be used to identify you and your branches exactly the way you type it in here at the new Borrow Smart web.

2. When you click below to be connected you will be prompted to either select your Member ID or enter one if you do not have one.  This is different from the ID you enter to get to the website.  It is a Member ID used only for the store information system.  Every company who enters information must register with their own Member ID and then list their individual stores (or store if only one).  So, as an example if your company is Title Loan Express and you have a Pelham store you will first enter the member name of your company at the member section as Title Loan Express.  Next, from the menu, you will choose Enter New Store and enter the Pelham branch.  You will enter the store name, which is most likely the same as the member name.  If the store uses a different name, enter that name.  Do not list the name in the store section as "Title Loan Express - Pelham."  Just use the branch name only.  Remember, you will enter your Member information one time and then list each store or branch after you have entered your member information.

3. Be sure to list all of your stores in the store section.  The member section does not get your store listed -- it only gets your member information listed.  Members are listed one time per member and then all stores are listed.

4. Enter your store information exactly as you would want it to appear in the phone book.  You do not need to add "Inc." or "Corporation" at the end.

5. If you have problems entering your data contact Max Wood at 205-733-9926 or via email by clicking here

6. We will contact you when the web site is up and you can view your entries at the Borrow Smart web site.  You will not be able to edit at the Borrow Smart web site.  You can only make changes here for your stores.

7. Go for it!  Click on enter info below and good luck.

Enter Info








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