Lenders You Can Trust Look For The Borrow Smart Seal."
1/7/08 -- Unprecedented TV coverage in December!
-- Special member only CFL results report.
Council For Fair Lending (CFL)
is now open for business! We proudly announce our new
"fair consumer lending" campaign -- Borrow Smart Alabama.
CFL was formed by concerned members of both the
Title Pawn Council of
Alabama (TPCA) and
Modern Financial Services.
These two associations represent title
and payday lenders in Alabama respectively. Our mission is
customer focused. Our goals are: 1) that each and every one of
our customers are treated fairly in all of their dealing with us and
2) that the truth about our
industry and our services are
communicated to the public in a fair and balanced way. Our
focus is at the grass-roots level where issues about our customers
and our industry are decided.
CFL strongly supports both
industry associations and we hope to compliment and build on the
efforts of both. We aim to:
Establish and promote a
"Borrow Smart" code of ethics for consumer protection
which is available exclusively at Borrow Smart member stores
throughout the state.
Serve as a
public communication entity for the short term cash
loan industry in Alabama -- both payday and title lending.
communicate, advertise and promote the Borrow Smart concept through
an aggressive media and public relations effort.
TPCA and Modern Financial members are eligible
to join CFL.
Much more information about
CFL will be made available over the next few months as we roll out
our new campaign.
So, check back often.
This is a temporary web site
hosted by the Title Pawn Council Of Alabama (TPCA) until the permanent site is complete. The green links at the left are
available for the general public and those interested in joining
with us. The gray links at the left are
for members only. You
will note many of the links are still under construction, so check
back often for updates.